“Data protection aspects play an important role in the development of an online knowledge base, which also involves various groups of actors, and we take particular care to take this into account. We are pleased to be supported in this task by Katharina Kinder-Kurlander as the ethics advisor in the CO:RE project.”

– Claudia Lampert, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)

About work package 11

The Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) is coordinator of the CO:RE project and responsible for ethical compliance of all CO:RE activities and technical infrastructures.

With work package 11, we facilitate these and take all necessary measures to safeguard CO:RE’s corresponding to crucial ethical regulations such as the EU’s GDPR or to ethical  frameworks for informed consent and assent. For that purpose, our ethics advisor (EA) and an advisory board (AB) support us to live up to our high ethical standards.

Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut
CO:RE Functions & Services
Photo by Clarisse Croset on unsplash

Our goals

The overall goal of the CO:RE project is to successfully establish a pan-European knowledge platform. CO:RE aims at making visible and disseminate evidence, data, state of the art methodological approaches, theoretical innovations and much more, to all stakeholders and dialogue groups concerned with children and youth online media use.

With work package 11, we make sure that all activities taken within the CO:RE project comply with our ethical standards and all ethical requirements of the EU Commission.

Our three-year timeline

Year 1

In year 1, the overall goal of CO:RE is to chart out a knowledge platform that meets the needs of our stakeholders. In doing so, a notable amount of work goes into exchanging with these stakeholders and thus, we focus on facilitating these activities by providing robust and safe digital infrastructure. Particularly its compliance to the EU’s GDPR lies at the heart of our work.

Year 2

In year 2, the goal of CO:RE is to create a robust knowledge platform catering to the specific needs of our stakeholders, i.e., educators, researchers and policy makers. In doing so, our work focuses on complying to ethical regulations with particular regard to data privacy and protecting our users’ rights online.

Year 3

In year 3, our focus lies on making sure that the CO:RE platform complies to all relevant ethical regulations beyond the project duration to remain being a robust and safe infrastructure to educators, researchers and policy makers alike.

Our team

Behind WP11 CO:RE is a team of renowned scientists and experts who have been working for many years in different contexts and projects on the online use by children and young people.

Valentina Dopona
Valentina Dopona

WP1/11 member

Valentina Dopona, M.A., is research assistant with focus on research management at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) (DE).
She supports the research team in the section “Growing Up in Digital Media Environments” in managing and implementing the CO:RE project.

Claudia Lampert
Claudia Lampert

WP1/11 co-leader

Claudia Lampert, PhD, is senior researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute (HBI) (DE) and coordinator of the research program “Knowledge for the media society”.
She is member of the Work Package 1 team, mainly responsible for communication and dissemination.

Uwe Hasebrink
Uwe Hasebrink

WP1/11 leader

Uwe Hasebrink, PhD, is director of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) (DE) and professor in Empirical Communication Research at the University of Hamburg. Since 2014, he is the coordinator of the European research network “EUKidsOnline” and is member of the steering group of the research network “GlobalKidsOnline”.
He is the Coordinator of the CO:RE project, oversees the general management, and coordinates the project work and information flow.

The Consortium

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