Work Package 9 attempts to establish a fruitful cooperation with the educational sector. Hence, our main task is to engage educational stakeholders (e.g., Ministries of Education, teachers, students, parents, etc.) in the consultation process to understand how the CO:RE evidence base will be most useful for them.”

– Sabrina Vorbau, Project Manager at European Schoolnet

About work package 9

Work package 9 is coordinated by the European Schoolnet (EUN).  Within this work package, we will attempt to establish a fruitful cooperation with the educational sector. In this context, we broadly define education as the full range of formal and informal learning experiences children and young people nowadays may have, in schools, but also in the various out-of-school communities that impact on their well-being, in interaction with their peers, teachers, parents and other professionals and carers.

European Schoolnet
Pupils and teacher looking at globe in library
Photo by WavebreakmediaMicro on Adobe Stock. Licensed by European Schoolnet.

Our goals

We aim to develop strategies to make existing research on the impact of technological transformations on children and youth known and usable for educational stakeholders in Europe and beyond. In doing so, we will engage with educational stakeholders in consultation processes to understand how the new evidence base will be most useful to support existing educational and learning processes. We will also collect experiences and feedback from the educational community that can help to initiate future research and to inform the work of this project. Furthermore, we will provide a series of mechanisms to coordinate and support the implementation of empirical evidence in processes of school development and teachers’ training.

Our three-year timeline

Year 1

Within the first year, we will focus on the identification of points of contacts within various educational stakeholder groups such as students, teachers, parents and policymakers in order to carry out national and EU-level consultations. As a result, a report summarising the key findings of the consultations and providing concrete recommendations for the guidelines and toolkit will be produced.

Year 2

In the second year, we will hold practical co-creation sessions, which will develop prototypes of potential mechanisms to communicate empirical evidence in a school-friendly way. These workshops will help to develop an initial toolkit concept, to explore novel school-related resources, and to identify key areas of interest for the guidelines for the academic community.

Year 3

The educational toolkit and the guidelines for the educational community will constitute the main focus of Work Package 9 in the third year. The toolkit will bring together updated, evidence-based and practical resources for school policymakers, school leaders, teachers, parents and students. In the light of the dialogues with the academic project partners and the consultations with educational stakeholders will result in practical guidelines to translate academic resources into accessible, user-friendly and useful materials for school policymakers and school communities in general.

Our team

Hans Martens
Hans Martens

WP9 team advisor

Hans Martens, PhD, is European Schoolnet’s (EUN) (BE) Digital Citizenship Team and Programme Manager. He is responsible for the Digital Citizenship strategy of the organisation, managing a team of 10+ staff members dedicated to a variety of public and private projects covering aspects ranging from digital skills to media literacy and online safety. Within this context, Hans is leading the Better Internet for Kids project, and advising on CO:RE WP9 activities.

Veronica Donoso
Verónica Donoso

WP9 co-leader

Verónica Donoso, PhD, is a Digital Literacy and Child Online Safety consultant at the European Schnoolnet (BE) with more than 16 years of experience in the field of children, digital technologies and internet safety. Through her career she has advised UNICEF, United Nations and the European Commission, among others ande is a member of the Global Kids Online International Advisory Group.
She is Work Package 9 Co-Leader.

Eray Basar
Eray Basar

WP9 member

Eray Basar is Junior Project Officer at European Schoolnet (EUN) (BE) and works on a range of digital citizenship projects such as Better Internet for Kids (BIK), eSafety Label (eSL) and CO:RE. He is a member of the WP9 team.

Sabrina Vorbau
Sabrina Vorbau

WP9 leader

Sabrina Vorbau is Project Manager at European Schoolnet (EUN) (BE) and has been a member of its Digital Citizenship Team since 2014. She is involved in a variety of online safety projects such as Better Internet for Kids (BIK), the eSafety Label and SELMA (Social and Emotional Learning for Mutual Awareness). She is Work Package 9 Leader and manages all related CO:RE activities of European Schoolnet (EUN).

The Consortium

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