At a time when many researchers struggle to balance the excitement of having access to heaps of personal data on informants through internet research with the demands and expectations of research ethics, this Work Package will provide researchers who work with children information and guidance on how to collect and use data while still adhering to the all-important principles of securing the rights and welfare of our (vulnerable) informants.

– Professor Elisabeth Staksrud, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo

About work package 7

The team at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo delivers a digital portfolio of resources on research ethics to researchers, informants (including children) and others, enhancing the understanding of how to conduct research with children in an ethical manner and in accordance with relevant legislation.

Thereby, the principles of good scientific practice, including reliability, honesty, respect and accountability, as described in the European Codes of Conduct for Research Integrity, are critical aspects.

University of Oslo
CO:RE Functions & Services

Our goals

WP 7 provides an online one-stop-shop for researchers, explaining relevant laws, presenting standards of informed consent in different European countries, and offering checklists, templates and guidelines to students and researchers.

In terms of activities, WP 7 organises workshops and training seminars on topics related to conducting ethical research with children. We also publish a dynamic handbook for children on participating in research and explaining their roles as informants. This resource will be available in a range of European languages.

Our three-year timeline

Year 1

During year 1 we will work with conceptualising and developing the provision of resources on the CO:RE platform. We are also very excited about establishing our Discussion Forum where we will provide and discuss resources relating to research ethics with key stakeholders. Towards the end of the year we will organise a workshop on the topic of Research Integrity.

Year 2

In year 2, during year 2 we will further develop our online resources and organise a workshop on the topic of ethical research questions related to research with Big Data. We will publish a dynamic resource for children about what it means to participate in research projects. This resource will be available in a range of European languages.

Year 3

In year 3 we will work to further develop and ensure the sustainability of our online resources.  A final workshop on the topic of research ethics in longitudinal research will be organized.

Our team

Elisabeth Staksrud
Elisabeth Staksrud

WP7 leader

Elisabeth Staksrud is a full professor at the Deptartment of Media and Communication, University of Oslo (NO). She is principal investigator in EU Kids Online Norway and part of the EU Kids Online management team, and in 2018 she lead and coordinated the European survey and data collection in the project (9-17 year olds in 10+ countries).
She is Work Package 7 Leader.

Niamh Ni Bhroin
Niamh Ní Bhroin

WP7 member

Niamh Ní Bhroin is a Researcher at the Department of Media and Communications, University of Oslo (NO). She is a member of the Norwegian EU Kids Online Team. She is also a Team Member in Work Package 7

The Consortium

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