“Over the years, we have witnessed a wide reach and popularity of EU Kids Online reports. Our mission is to serve European audiences by publishing a new series of informative short reports and blog posts on the emerging topics in the field of children and digital media. ”

– Veronika Kalmus, University of Tartu, Institute of Social Sciences

About work package 4

The Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu, coordinates work package 4.

In WP4, we will identify the most relevant topics in the broad field of digital technologies in the lives of children and youth. In cooperation with researchers and experts, WP4 will publish a series of updatable short reports and posts on the CO:RE blog.

University of Tartu
University of Tartu
Photo: Andres Tennus / University of Tartu

Our goals

The main goal of WP4 is to inform all main stakeholders, including academics and students, policy makers, professionals working with children and young people (teachers, social pedagogues, community workers, child psychologists, etc), caregivers, the ICT industry and journalists.

Our mission is to share knowledge about recent studies and bring the most significant findings to practitioners.

Our three-year timeline

Year 1

In year 1, we monitor academic literature and consult widely with researchers and stakeholders to draw up a dynamic ranking list of the most relevant topics and emerging issues in the field of children and youth in the digital world. We will publish the first report and blog post.

Year 2

In year 2, we continue consultations and literature monitoring to update the ranking list of key topics. We publish at least two short reports and blog posts.

Year 3

In year 3, we publish at least two more short reports and blog posts. We invite the authors of the reports published in years 1-2 to update the issues by adding new evidence and filling knowledge gaps.

Our team

Signe Oppermann
Signe Opermann

WP4 member

Signe Opermann, PhD, is a researcher in Media Sociology at the Institute of Social Sciences, the University of Tartu (EE).
She is a member of the Work Package 4 team and contributes to editing CO:RE short reports.

Maria Murumaa Mengel
Maria Murumaa-Mengel

WP4 member

Maria Murumaa-Mengel, PhD, is a Social Media lecturer and the program director of Journalism and Communication BA programme at the Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu (EE).
She is a member of the Work Package 4 team and contributes to editing CO:RE blog posts.

Mai Liis Tikerperi
Mari-Liis Tikerperi

WP4 member

Mari-Liis Tikerperi is a doctoral student at the Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu (EE). She is a member of the Work Package 4 team.

Veronica Kalmus

WP 4 leader

Veronika Kalmus is full professor of Sociology at the Institute of Social Studies, the University of Tartu (EE). Since 2007, she has been the leader of the Estonian team of the EU Kids Online network and has served as an independent expert in the field of the Information Society and Media for the European Commission.
She is Work Package 4 Leader, coordinates the publication of CO:RE short reports and contributes to editing the reports.

Marit Sukk
Marit Sukk

WP4 member

Marit Sukk is a doctoral student at the Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu (EE). She is a member of the Work Package 4 team and contributes to its activities.

Andra Siibak
Andra Siibak

WP4 member

Andra Siibak is full professor of Media Studies at the Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu (EE).

The Consortium

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