“Research on children’s online experiences has increased substantially in recent years. Our main goal is to make the outcomes of this research easily searchable and accessible to all researchers and stakeholders.”

– Professor Piermarco Aroldi, School of Education at Università Cattolica, Piacenza | Milan

About work package 2

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, leads work package 2. Our work focuses on coordinating and supporting the creation of  the CO:RE Evidence Base . The Evidence Base references scientific research projects and publications focusing on the broad area of children online across Europe and are available for researchers, policymakers and educators.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Our goals

The overall goals of work package 2 are to coordinate the collection of research evidence, published across Europe, about how children and young people behave and interact online. In doing so, particular attention lies on the vulnerability of children and young people in the digital environment. As result, WP2 provides an annotated Evidence Base, describing all covered evidence to make them available and researchable to researchers and other stakeholders.

Our three-year timeline

Year 1 - Building the evidence base tools

During the first year, we work to develop and test a coding grid and online forms for the identification, collection and recording of relevant and updated research findings. This work is being done in cooperation with other work packages in order to identify the relevant dimensions (theoretical frame, methodology, sample, topics etc.) and items (keywords, abstract, etc.) to improve the searchability and thus the quality of the Evidence Base.

Year 2 - Collecting and coding research evidence

In the second year we supervise the identification, collection and coding of relevant research published across Europe from 2014 onwards. Through both online and face-to-face meetings with representatives from each national partner in all European countries, relevant actors, interest groups and institutions dealing with the topic of children online, we successively create a comprehensive Evidence Base.

Year 3 – Implementing the CO:RE Evidence Base

The third year focuses on the constant updating of the Evidence Base. In order to continue offering an up-to-date database of significant research, functions will be enabled for users to propose and add further studies and publications to the Evidence Base. A corresponding quality check is implemented to safeguard the material’s validity.

Our team

Davide Cino
Davide Cino

WP2 member

Davide Cino is a PhD Candidate in Education. His doctoral research focuses on parents’ governance of and digital dilemmas associated with their children’s social media presence. He is a member of the Work Package 2 team.

Giovanna Mascheroni
Giovanna Mascheroni

WP2 co-leader

Giovanna Mascheroni, PhD, is Associate Professor of Media Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. Her work focuses on the social shaping and the social consequences of the internet, mobile media and IoTs for children and young people, including issues of digital citizenship and datafication. She is part of the EU Kids Online Management team and WP6 Leader within the H2020 ySKILLS project.
She is Work Package 2 Co-Leader.

Piermarco Aroldi
Piermarco Aroldi

WP2 leader

Piermarco Aroldi, PhD, is Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication at the School of Education of Università Cattolica in Piacenza and Milan (IT), where he coordinates the Master Program in Media Education. He is Head of OssCom, Research Centre on Media and Communication. He is a member of the European research network “EUKidsOnline” since 2007.
He is Work Package 2 Leader.

The Consortium

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