Students and parents invited to take part in the CO:RE Project
Our team around work package 9, working with the school community in the CO:RE Project invites
- students (aged 14 to 16) and
- parents (whose children attend primary or secondary school)
to participate in a European consultation series. If you would like to take part please continue reading!
If you would like to participate in one of these meetings please continue reading!
Europe-wide Consultation Series
The goal of our consultation series is to better understand which issues students, parents and teachers find important concerning children’s and teenagers’ experiences online (e.g. opportunities, challenges, support) and discuss if and how these topics should be brought to the attention of politicians. We also want to hear your ideas on how we could improve the CO:RE knowledge platform currently being developed by our project. This platform will gather and provide information on the effects of digital technologies on the lives of children and teenagers.
The consultations take place online in the form of an interactive workshop (~ 90 minutes) with approximately eight participants per group via a video conferencing system. The groups will consist of participants from various European countries.
The consultations will be organised by researchers from European Schoolnet, a network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. European Schoolnet is CO:RE work package 9 leader. This work package focuses on matching the aims and objectives of the CO:RE Project to the needs of the educational sector.
The consultations will take place on 27 October, 19.00-20.30 CET (for parents) and on 29 October, 18.00-19.30 CET (for students).
If you would like to participate or have any questions, please send an email to Nike Retzmann (nike.retzmann[at] including your name, contact email and, if applicable, school. If you are a student who would like to take part, please ask a parent to send an email on your behalf.