Teachers invited to take part in the CO:RE Project
Our team around work package 9, working with the school community in the CO:RE Project is currently recruiting teachers to participate in a European consultation series on children’s engagement with digital media.
If you would like to participate in one of these meetings please continue reading!
Europe-wide Consultation Series
In our consultation series, we want to discuss which issues the school community perceives as important regarding children’s online activities and how to bring these to the attention of politicians. We, thus, aim to identify key topics of interest for teachers, parents and children themselves and to ensure that these aspects are reflected by the CO:RE knowledge platform currently being developed by our project. This platform will provide information on a broad range of topics related to the impact of young people’s experiences online including their health, lifestyles, social participation and wellbeing.
The consultations take place remotely in the form of an interactive focus group setting (~ 90 minutes) with approximately eight participants per group via an online conferencing system.
The consultations will be organised by researchers from European Schoolnet, a network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. European Schoolnet is CO:RE work package 9 leader. This work package focuses on matching the aims and objectives of the CO:RE Project to the needs of the educational sector.
The Belgian consultation takes place on 22 October, 17.30-19.00 CET (for teachers).
If you are interested in participating or if you would like to receive more information about the consultations, please send an email to Nike Retzmann (nike.retzmann[at]eun.org), including your name, contact email and school (school type suffices).